Browsing the archives for the Noosphere tag

PONDER “The Phenomenon of Man”

Heavy Lifting

Many words went through my mind to headline what I’d like to do with The Phenomenon of Man — study, discuss, review, examine, critique, etc. — but I chose “ponder” as the one that best describes what I want to do.

First of all what am I hoping to get from The Phenomenon of Man? I’m looking for

  • a scientific-philosophical proof for the existence of the mind (soul?) separate in some fashion from the existence of the body
  • a demonstration that the Internet/Facebook/IRC/Twitter phenomena we use day-by-day is definitely gathering us into some version of the Noosphere

What should come after this is a first attempt of mine to describe where I am in my ponderment (sorry, I couldn’t stop myself) with the hope that it may elicit others to join in with comments other than ones focused on my obvious lack of erudition.