Electronics is our friend (C. 1970).
Browsing the blog archives for November, 2009
For a thorough analysis of the different things to consider about investing in gold, I haven’t found a better analysis than here.
If using your mind to think logically doesn’t scare you, doesn’t represent your worst nightmare, then you should be able to handle this series of eight videos. It starts out seeming to be only about the growth in world oil consumption — and maybe about economic growth itself — but it becomes about something even more important. Oh yeah, it seems to rely heavily on mathematics, or at least on arithmetic. Viewing all of it takes about 80 minutes, but you don’t have to it all in one sitting.
These men were released. Their captors — acting on our behalf — decided they had really done nothing wrong, the same decision ultimately given about the Japanese-Americans that the United States interred during World War II.