Browsing the archives for the Entertainment category

Another Day Devoted to AIG

Economy, Entertainment, United States

Somehow the Federal Reserve’s announcement of its latest plans didn’t make it to the video — not sexy enough, I guess. Well, in any case here’s what the day looked like to Talking Points Memo:

Happy Saint Patty’s Day

Economy, Entertainment, United States

Whoops, it’s Wednesday. Did you see what happened yesterday? The anger and outrage seem to be competing with each other, not to be outdone by some real foolishness from the Congress persons. OMG and we’re depending on them…

Do You Care What Happened Yesterday?

Economy, Entertainment, United States

If you do care, here’s a quick look at the highlights of the day. I think the word is “outrage.”

I Sorta Heard about “Kings”

Entertainment, Stories

I had heard about it sideareally (I know… oh well), but I hadn’t seen it. Now I have seen it and wow! In case you didn’t have a chance to see the first episode here it is: